Companion planting and inter cropping

Lettuce and broccoli
Lettuce and broccoli

Companion planting is an organic and ecological farming principle that involves planting several plants that are beneficial to each other in close proximity. The plants are supposed to aid each other in pest and disease control, uptake of nutrients, shading, pollination, catch crop, and as a sacrificial crop.

inter cropping
Kales, onion, fennel, lettuce

Intercropping involves growing two or many crops together in the same plot in close proximity with the aim of increasing yields. The main aim of inter cropping is to maximize yields in a small plot by utilizing all the resources which would not have been completely utilized by a single crop.

Vegetable with luceanea hedge row
Vegetable with luceanea hedge row

MOOF has the following sets of companion plants:

  • Carrots and garlic – control carrot root fly
  • Beans  and fennel – control aphids in beans
  • Broad bean and snow peas – control leaf miner from snow peas
  • Maize and climbing beans- maize provides bean with a trellis for climbing
  • Borage and straw berry-effective pollination of strawberries
  • Hot Peppers and tomatoes- repels most pests invading  tomatoes
  • Geranium  and kales – kales shade young  geranium plants
  • Nasturtiums  with various vegetables  eg tomatoes– control of nematodes
  • Maize, Napier grass and desmodium – stem borer and Striga
A colorful inter crop
A colorful inter crop
Maize and beans
Maize and beans
Tomatoes and lettuce
Tomatoes and lettuce